Wendy Shon Tidd

Oahu, Hawaii

Wendy’s selling and negotiation skills were developed and honed over many years at some of the top companies in the US.  Xerox, IBM, Oracle, PTC-as well as two pre-IPO startups.  She has been trained and certified in every major selling course, 17 to date.  Wendy will help you demystify the Hawaii real estate historical data and analyze market trends to give you the most up to date pulse on your home sale or purchase.  Wendy knows that client satisfaction is her number one priority and will do everything possible to earn your trust and referral.

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I am strategic, I am a local expert

Wendy was born and raised in Hawaii, so she knows the islands and their unique culture and distinctive neighborhood offerings.  Whether you are a first-time home buyer, a "right sizing" buyer/seller looking for your next home, a virtual/remote worker who wants to work from Paradise, or a seasoned real estate investor who recognizes Hawaii's beauty and investment potential…Wendy's got your back and can guide you through the entire process of buying or selling a home!